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Sunday Morning


I'll probably say something obvious to everyone but let me explain... I think Sunday mornings are one of the best moment of the week. It is beautiful be able to stay in bed, especially in winter, basking under the duvet with the person you love.

It is easy to become a bit child again, it is as if, for a few moments, we can free ourselves from our adult life, from commitments, from routine and responsibilities, I feel lucky because I'm personally an eyewitness of this.

Every Sunday I wake up next to the woman I love. We chat, we joke, we laugh and play.

And that is why for some time I got into the habit, on Saturday nights, of leaving my camera by the bed, and in the morning use it to make those moment immortal. This is a very intimate reportage that we decide to share because we find it a very simple and pure fragment of everybody life.

Obviously there is no photographic set up, no studio lights, no reflectors, no make up no acting and no preparation.

Just us during a Sunday morning. 

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