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A reportage that is between the real world and a dream. Komorebi is a Japanese word that literally means the sunlight that filter through the tree canopy.

I started this project with the idea of representing something that stands between the real world and that of dreams or fantasy. In this series my goal was to convey my creativity and the desire to break the rules by testing and experimenting behind the camera instead of in front of the computer.


Komorebi is a beautiful  Japanese word that literally means the sunlight that filter through the tree canopy.

But in my photos the effect of the sun's rays is created by me in the shooting phase. The magic happens during the very exposure of the scene I have chosen. Shooting with shutter speeds ranging from a few tens of seconds to a few seconds I can simulate this particular effect by playing with the zoom of my lens. By choosing carefully and precisely when and by how much changing the focal length of my lens during the exposure, I can recreate this pattern of lights and shadows and play with it, make it as real as possible or emphasise it, by push it to the limit, creating  something almost abstract.


For all these pictures prints, fine art, canvas and more are available.

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