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 photo exhibition - February 2011

( 3 march 2010 - 9 september 2010 )

The Heart of Asia

A photographic journey through people and cultures of India, Nepal, Cambodia and Vietnam

- The Unnamed -

- The Unnamed -

Just after sunset, the Ghat on the banks of the Ganges are populated by thousands of people. You are catapulted into a time that is not ours, the confusion and noise are deafened, the faithful are immersed in the waters of the Great Mother, to purify themselves. Songs and hymns echoed in the hot and stuffy air, the smell of incense makes the air saturated with a sweetish taste. The colorful crowd takes the form of a gigantic living thing that moves and breathes. Varanasi, India. April 2010

- Traveling Bihar -

- Traveling Bihar -

We are in Bihar, one of the poorest reagion in India, millions of people live in conditions identical to 100 or more years ago. The only way to get around is to use public transport to travel a few hundred km, it takes an unacceptably high number of hours. The heat is unbearable, in the middle of the day temperatures exceed 40 degrees Celsius. Looking out the window, you have the feeling of traveling back in time. There is no sign that proves to be in the third millennium. India, April 7 2010

- The Unnamed -

- The Unnamed -

Just after sunset, the Ghat on the banks of the Ganges are populated by thousands of people. You are catapulted into a time that is not ours, the confusion and noise are deafened, the faithful are immersed in the waters of the Great Mother, to purify themselves. Songs and hymns echoed in the hot and stuffy air, the smell of incense makes the air saturated with a sweetish taste. The colorful crowd takes the form of a gigantic living thing that moves and breathes. Varanasi, India. April 2010

- A Long Wait -

- A Long Wait -

There are now more than 6 hours that I'm wait for the train, no one can tell me if and when it arrives. The station looks like a giant anthill, everyone is busy moving goods and luggage. With a whistle just above the many voices of the crowd, the train announces its entrance into the station. I still remember my amazement, hundreds, thousands of people occupying the roof and sides of the train. Multicolored bunches of human beings. I knew immediately that it would be a trip harder than expected.

- The Young Monk -

- The Young Monk -

In countries like Nepal religion plays an important role, thousands of people a day filled the temple of Swayambhunath, one of the most sacred sites in all of Buddhism. The sounds of the city are far away, the voices of the faithful in prayer and the sound of the bells of prayer, fill the air. Swayambhunath Stupa, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal April 12, 2010

- Light as the Future -

- Light as the Future -

A swing, 4 children, I close my eyes and I let myself be carried away by their voices and laughter. I do not understand their language, but their words sound so familiar, they seem to say "I'm going higher than you ..I can touch the sky". I open my eyes and find their smiles, evidence of their innocence, but then my eye was caught by the man in the background, I wake up, I look around, the air of lightness is gone, it remains a reality of poverty: The man is aware of. The children, not yet.

- Dark as the Past -

- Dark as the Past -

The sun is high in the sky, the thermometer more than 30 degrees, and even the mere shadow of a tree can provide shelter by the heat stifling. The man's face is tried, his eyes looks lost in thought, perhaps lost in the memories of past sacrifices. Today the heat does not give the strength to face an uncertain future Suburbs outside Kathmandu, Nepal April 14, 2010

- Serenity and Wisdom -

- Serenity and Wisdom -

I met this Baba on a warm morning in Durbar Square. The air of celebration fills the streets branching off in all directions from the central square of the old quarter. There are many processions for the most sacred temples of the city, which fill the air with music and singing. The streets are filled with people dressed up and everything is colourful. Durbar Square, Kathmandu, Nepal 14 April 2010

- Stolen Childhood -

- Stolen Childhood -

This photo, along with the two shots that follow, can be considered as a good representation of the social classes in Nepal. All take as a reference example a child more or less 10 years old. This particular photo was taken on the western outskirts of Kathmandu, from the taxi from Swayambhunath to town center. This area is one of the poorest in the city, there are many activities that take advantage of sexual tourism. It happens too often see girls with makeup too heavy for their age.

- The Young Seller -

- The Young Seller -

A few hours after taking the photo above, I was immersed in the chaos of Thamel market, hive of commercial activity in the heart of the old quarter. The claustrophobic streets are full of people, on the sides of the streets are crowded many street vendors with the most varied goods. This picture could be a good example to represent the peasant class, which is part of the majority population. Many families are able to survive by cultivating small plots of land in the areas around the city.

- The Little Princess -

- The Little Princess -

This is the last of three shots. Here is represented the top of society, the rich caste. I will always remember how my eyes have been seen this girl, with her embroidered clothes, her hair done. Although we were both immersed in a "river of crowd" would have been impossible not to notice her. She walked among the shops and market stalls, accompanying his mother. they were at odds with what surrounded them, to make them almost out of place. District of Thamel, Kathmandu, 13 April 2010

- The Old Market -

- The Old Market -

Is rush hour, in the market of Thamel, the narrow streets of the old quarter are full of people, a noisy crowd, busy to carry their purchases. The breeze blowing from the high mountains surrounding smells fresh, pure, in sharp contrast to the strong odors of species and food that fill the market. This is Kathmandu, an enchanted city nestled on the roof of the world, surrounded by a paradise of rock and ice. The old district of Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal April 13, 2010

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