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Water Sculptures

The amazing unique results of stones skimming on the water surface.

This photographic project is a tribute to the marvellous water sculptures that a flat stone creates

by skimming over the surface of the water.

I have always found that there is something extremely fascinating about the power of photography in certain situations.

With the right parameters it gives us the possibility to see the invisible, events that happen too fast to be able to appreciate them. Sometimes our brains aren't fast enough to process and appreciate the details of the wonderful things happening before our eyes.

Focusing the scene and predicting the point of impact is very difficult from a photographic point of view, extremely fast shutter speeds of the order of a thousandth of a second are needed. Even the choice of the "thrower" is equally important, precision and patience are two fundamental characteristics, fortunately for me I am surrounded by people who help and support me in my various photographic projects, even the strangest and most difficult ones.


For all these pictures prints, fine art, canvas and more are available.

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